Sunday, October 23, 2016

Huawei's Mate 9 Pro could arrive with double curved edges

AndroidPIT huawei p9 1456
The upcoming Mate 9 Pro is said to have Leica tech like the P9 pictured above. / © AndroidPIT

While official specs and details aren't being released just yet - the launch is set for November 3 - images and details that have surfaced online already are showing a design that bears more than a passing resemblance to Samsung's Edge range.

Like the Galaxy range, the Mate 9 will come in a few different configurations, but only the 'Pro' model is said to offer a QHD display, rather than maxing out at 1080p. Other key hardware specs of the device include 4GB of RAM and at least 64GB of onboard storage.

Naturally, we're going to have to wait until the launch next month to find out for sure though. We'd also expect there to be Leica branding on the Mate 9 devices, given the two companies expressed an interest in future tie-ups after the launch of the P9.

Are you looking forward to the launch of the Mate 9 and Mate 9 Pro? Let us know below!

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