Sunday, October 23, 2016

Deal: The Complete Android N Developer Course - 90%

android course slaed
The Complete Android N Developer Course was designed by Android expert Rob Percival. / © Rob Percival

Coding and app development can guarantee you a fun and exciting career in one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Not only will you be able to create your very own Android app in just 32 hours, using Java and Android Studio, you will have another great skill to add to your resume for future employment. Coding isn’t just part of this great deal, you will learn how to effectively market your app to be able to make money off of it.

The course also includes essential knowledge to keep you in the Android business: you’ll become well acquainted with Parse Server, Firebase, Admob etc. There is a huge array of captivating lectures to follow in your journey to Android programming success!

Buy the Complete Android N Developer course for only $19 - that’s 90% off the retail price of $200 - in our AndroidPIT Deals Store. But don’t wait too long, the special deal ends soon.

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