Saturday, October 29, 2016

Yes, the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge will be a hit at the end of the year

Before going any further, I hasten to add that this article is not aimed at criticizing Samsung, nor glorifying or defending it after its Note 7 problems. I am simply trying to analyze one of the high-tech trends for the end of this year.

Samsung does not have a choice

The first reason for this probable success comes from the fact that Samsung does not have any other choice. Without a Galaxy Note 7 to boost its sales, the south-Korean company has to make do with its two previous flagships. Despite the disastrous phablet incident, the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge still benefit from a very good image.

The most important time of year for production is beginning. With new year celebrations arriving and promotional days such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday just arround the corner, marketing campaigns and advertisements will increase to make the most sales possible. Samsung, a leader in this regard, will not miss this opportunity and may flood our screens with its smartphones.

The company cannot risk doing anything else since the losses associated with the Note 7 scandal were tremendous

The company cannot risk following any other route since the losses associated with the scandal were tremendous. The loss due to the failure of the Galaxy Note7 are going up to an estimated $17 billion, corresponding to the 19 million predicted sales throughout the life cycle of the product. An additional $1.5 billion must be added to the loss for the 4 million smartphones made that will never be sold, a billion for the cost of the first recall, and another billion for the second recall on top of stock market losses.

In brief, if Samsung Mobile wants to save the end of the year, it must wager on its most popular smartphones with an increase in publicity. Up until now, this strategy has always worked. There is no reason that this should change even after the retraction fiasco.

AndroidPIT samsung galaxy note 7 review 7589 off white flag
The Galaxy Note7 was a great device with a faulty battery. © AndroidPIT

Much more reasonable prices

By launching the S7 last April at $649 and the S7 Edge at $749, Samsung voluntarily lost a large number of Android users. The brand clearly placed itself on a premium but that has consequences. Not everyone wants to necessarily spend so much money for a phone.


Pierre Vitré

With such high launch prices, Samsung voluntarily lost a large number of Android users

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I disagree

Luckily, some time has passed since its launch and its retraction, and it is now possible to acquire a Galaxy S7 for around $550. This last trimester will also provide an opportunity for new promotions. It is therefore not surprising that the price of the S7 has decreased to less than $550 and that of the S7 Edge to around $600 - an affordable price for many users.

Two of the best smartphones at the moment

It must be acknowledged: the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge have everything needed to be considered amongst the best of current Android smartphones. They have an attractive design, excellent build quality, top-of-the line materials and Samsung has corrected the errors of previous years with better sealing and memory extension through microSD. In addition, even six months after its launch, the 12 megapixel camera remains excellent in 2016. Combined with the optical image stabilizer, autofocus and LED flash, the camera has the ability to produce some beautiful photos in all light conditions.

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The multitude of camera-features of the S7 is quite impressive. © ANDROIDPIT

Android Nougat comes with several extras

Currently, with Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and its personalized TouchWiz interface (like it or not is another debate), the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge are guaranteed to receive the update to the latest version of Android, notably Android Nougat.

You will not only benefit from the new features of the latest Android update but also from some surprises and several improvements on Samsung’s part. The Galaxy S7 should notably inherit several developments introduced with the Galaxy Note 7 (not the battery fortunately), starting with Grace UX, a more seamless TouchWiz interface. An improved version of the Always on Display function, the famous Samsung screensaver, is also included.

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The Always On function is a really useful feature.© AndroidPIT

Which one do your prefer?


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Galaxy S7 Edge

Galaxy S7

416 Votes

167 Votes

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Oops! Seems like something went wrong. Reloading might help.

And you, will you fall for the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge at the end of the year?

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