Sunday, October 23, 2016

5 earthshaking ways smartphones have changed our lives

1. Unlimited selfies

The selfie phenomenon came along with the improvement and development of the cameras integrated in our smartphones. From celebrities to the average joe, everyone has jumped on the bandwagon and taken a selfie before posting it onto a social media site or sharing it through messaging apps. Smartphones are the main reason for their success as selfies can be so easily taken and shared using the device.

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Selfie abuse can be harmful to your health. © AndroidPIT

2. The spy syndrome

From mere curiosity to fully blown spy mode in a few easy steps. Smartphones have allowed us all to engage in a secret spy world. Countless arguments between couples are caused by WhatsApp and these famous methods that allow us to see whether a message has been read or even the last time that a person was active on the app.

Pass codes or fingerprint readers can reinforce security. Smartphones have become real hubs of information (photos, emails, messages).

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Smartphones are the perfect tool for finding out secrets. © AndroidPIT


Pierre Vitré

Most people indulge in a little bit of "harmless" spying and stalking with their smartphones

What do you think?

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I disagree

3. Constant and instant communication

Mobile phones provided SMS messages as a communication method. Smartphones have revolutionized these messages with messaging applications that allow easy, instant exchanges of photos and videos so we can stay in constant contact.

And if you aren’t good with words, you can use countless emoticons, which are now an integral part of our daily language, or even send instant voice notes.

AndroidPIT best messenger apps new hero
Instant messaging applications have reinforced this phenomenon. © AndroidPIT

4. An all-in-one device

Smartphones, because of their multimedia functions, caused a fall in sales for digital multimedia players or even compact cameras. So, smartphones aren’t just replacing cameras, they’re also replacing mp3 players that everyone carried in their pocket at one time. It’s never been easier to have access to millions of songs at once than it is today. In addition, the Google Play Store offers a large range of music players and radio streaming services.

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Smartphones are the perfect all-in-one device! © AndroidPIT


Pierre Vitré

There is no point in buying an mp3 player now that smartphones exist

What do you think?

I agree

I disagree

5. It’s impossible to get lost

One of the most positive changes made by smartphones is the development of maps and GPS. It is now impossible to get lost anywhere. Even if you don’t have an internet connection or if your data usage has run out, maps can be used without being connected to a network.

The fear of getting lost while trying to find that one infamous lost cabin in the middle of nowhere is now a distant memory. You can discover new cities or places without fear of getting turned around thanks to your smartphone.

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You would have to be out of battery to get lost while armed with a smartphone. © AndroidPIT

6. Pure and utter laziness

New technologies allow us to easily access information. In addition to free online encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia, there are many websites to help develop your knowledge. However, this access to information also encourages bad habits. We no longer think about the answer to a question. We go straight to the internet to find the answer. We no longer have confidence in our memories and we let our smartphones answer all our questions.

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Everything you want to know, at the tip of your fingers. © AndroidPIT

7. A new and very real addiction

According to a study by Madam Figaro that was carried out on more than 2000 participants, we consult our phones an average of 221 times a day and we use them for 3 hours and 16 minutes each day. That’s at least one day a week dedicated to smartphone activity! What’s worse is that 40% of the participants admitted to being totally lost without their smartphones. A sign of this addiction is that the majority of the participants explain that they do things on their phone without even realizing.

How have your habits changed since you bought a smartphone? Would you say that things changed for the better or the worse?

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