Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Watch Alchemist Accelerator’s Demo Day Right Here

TechCrunch is pleased to bring you Alchemist Accelerator‘s Demo Day, today, September 29th, from 3-5pm PT.

Alchemist is one of those rare programs that focuses on enterprise startups. But these aren’t your parents enterprise companies. Pitches today will span products that create a mortgage marketplace, increase connectivity and help apps get more organic downloads.

Investors and press will hear pitches from 11 enterprise companies. The demos start at 3:00pm PT and are expected to last two hours. You can watch it live via this link. Teams are listed below in order of appearance.

Verecho – Automating People Knowledge Management.

Lendsnap – Lendsnap automatically collects borrower qualifying documents for brokers and lenders. By linking to financial and payroll institutions, we securely deliver original W2s, pay stubs, bank statements, and full tax returns in minutes instead of days

Keewi – Building a comprehensive hardware and software platform to help building managers and occupants achieve maximum energy efficiency together.

Puloli – Provides Network as a Service (NaaS) for wide area wireless connectivity. Enables non-Telco players to directly reach end-consumers bypassing legacy Telco providers. 10x lower cost of a megabyte over Puloli means Internet of Things (IoT) and Video delivery are far more business viable now. This is essentially the AWS-style public cloud for wireless.

Flowcast – Provides an open API to make it easy for B2B marketplaces to offer financing seamlessly. – Clouber offers platform for Migration as a service (MaaS) for Applications to securely migrate to and from public and private clouds and manage their assets in real time.

LeadIQ – Provides sales prospecting & automation to help sales & marketing teams capture leads from social networks. LeadIQ pulls company info & social activity from multiple sources, saves to Google Drive; syncs w/ CRM; also offers Google Sheet extension for auto lead enrichment.

Choice AI – Shopper exchange network for eCommerce stores.

RankMyApp – RankMyApp is a tool that helps apps get more organic downloads by ranking higher in the app stores. $28K MRR growing 21% MoM.

Data Fellas – Provides the Adalog Suite to Data Science teams in the insurance and health sectors. The solution provides the shortest path from the business question to the delivery of a value-added service for decision making. – GoodTime automates heavily manual and time-consuming interview scheduling process so that recruiters can get back hours a day to do more strategic work.

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