It’s been a long day away from outlets, so I reach into my pocket and fish around for a battery module. The zoom camera pack clips out easy, making room for the added battery capacity, which should give me enough juice to get through the evening. I slip the camera module back into my pocket; I won’t need it, since at the party I’m headed to (a six-year anniversary party for wildly successful startup Color) I’ll probably only use the fixed focal length camera module that occupies another slot on the back of my smartphone.
The party is boring – it’s the usual collection of over-eager networkers that flock to these industry events. Luckily, I find an old friend and we duck outside to watch the latest New Radicals video (thank god Gregg Alexander went back on his decision to retire from the biz, amirite??), which had just dropped on, the world’s most active social network. A small crowd gathered because everyone’s HP Pre 8’s and Google Aras were blowing up with notifications, and everyone wanted to check out the video.
Luckily, I remember that I have a projector module in the other pocket of my smartphone under-arm holster, so I quickly swap it out for a silent vibration notification unit that I won’t need for the next few minutes. Just before playing the video, I remember to slot a loudspeaker block in place of the headphone jack module, too.
The video springs to life on the outer wall of the club hosting the party, and for a few minutes, everyone tunes in, some Meerkatting the experience live via their Google Glass headsets. Because of the social activity and because I was early to spot the premiere, the event actually could land a feature spot on Redbox’s daily streaming morning talk show the next day.
Finally, it’s time to go home. My sensible, affordable compact electric Fisker sedan is parked not too far away, and since I’m no quite sure the best way to my place, I remove the projector unit from my phone and pop in a GPS nav module. The module also has a car communication stack, of course, transmitting the relevant data to my car’s dash infotainment system using a dedicated wireless frequency.
Safely home, it’s time to kick back, grab my NuvoBook Rocket eBook XV and enjoy some ‘me’ time. I click an induction charging add-on into my phone in place of the speaker, and then swap out the basic camera module for the ultimate reward – a digital aromatiser mod capable of simulating up to 150,000 distinct soothing odors. Serenity achieved.
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