Thursday, September 15, 2016

Galaxy Note 7 recall begins in the US

After several weeks of investigation by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, the organization made a joint announcement with Samsung about the recall. In its statement, the message was clear: "Consumers should immediately stop using and power down the recalled Galaxy Note 7 devices purchased before September 15, 2016".

AndroidPIT samsung galaxy note 7 review 7515
The Note 7 is now being recalled in the US. / © AndroidPIT

The recall is unprecedented for Samsung and, with the Note 7 being one of the year's most anticipated devices, would certainly be a disappointment for consumers. Samsung's efforts to rectify the situation include offering refunds, alternative smartphones, and replacement Note 7 devices with properly functioning batteries.

The new Note 7 units are also expected to come with a small visual modification to allow consumers to differentiate between the new devices with the old faulty ones. Samsung said that battery indicators at the top-right corner of the home screen will be green instead of white.

What do you think of the US recall of the Note 7? Should Samsung have acted faster? Let us know in the comments.

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